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Latest Google's 200 Ranking Factors Updated List 2023

While search engine algorithms are complex and not fully disclosed, they consider numerous factors when ranking websites in search results. These factors can vary in importance and may change over time as search engines update their algorithms. Here's a list of 200 factors that can influence website ranking on search engines:

1. On-Page Factors:

1. Keyword usage in title tag.

2. Keyword placement in meta description.

3. Keyword density in content.

4. Quality and relevancy of content.

5. Use of heading tags (H1, H2, etc.).

6. Internal linking structure.

7. Outbound links to authoritative sources.

8. Mobile-friendliness and responsive design.

9. Page loading speed.

10. Usage of multimedia (images, videos, infographics).

11. Content freshness and regular updates.

12. Readability and user-friendly formatting.

13. URL structure and keyword inclusion.

14. Proper use of schema markup.

15. Breadcrumb navigation.

16. Duplicate content avoidance.

17. Secure and valid SSL certificate.

18. Canonical tags to handle duplicate content.

19. Optimized images with alt text.

20. Semantic keyword usage.

2. Technical Factors:

1. XML sitemap presence and accuracy.

2. Robots.txt file for controlling crawlers.

3. Server response time (TTFB).

4. URL redirects (301, 302, etc.).

5. Use of HTTPS for secure connections.

6. Mobile usability and responsiveness.

7. AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) implementation.

8. Schema markup for structured data.

9. Use of hreflang tags for internationalization.

10. Pagination handling for long content.

11. Crawl errors and broken links.

12. JavaScript rendering for dynamic content.

13. Avoiding Flash and deprecated technologies.

14. Proper use of 404 pages.

15. Use of CDNs for faster content delivery.

3. Backlink Factors:

1. Quantity of backlinks.

2. Quality of backlinks (authority sites).

3. Relevance of backlinks to content.

4. Anchor text diversity.

5. Natural link profile.

6. Avoidance of toxic or spammy backlinks.

7. Age of backlinks.

8. Social media sharing and engagement.

9. Contextual backlinks within content.

10. Guest posting on reputable sites

4. User Experience Factors:

1. Click-through rate (CTR) from search results.

2. Dwell time (time spent on page).

3. Bounce rate (low bounce rates are better).

4. User engagement and comments.

5. User reviews and ratings.

6. Mobile optimization and usability.

7. Clear and intuitive site navigation.

8. Relevant and helpful internal links.

9. Low ad-to-content ratio.

5. Content Factors:

1. Originality and uniqueness of content.

2. In-depth, comprehensive content.

3. Content that answers user intent.

4. Multimedia elements for engagement.

5. Expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (E-A-T).

6. Proper citation of sources.

6. Social Signals:

1. Social media shares and engagement.

2. Social media profiles and activity.

3. Brand mentions and discussions.

7. Domain Factors:

1. Domain age.

2. Keyword in domain name.

3. Domain history and penalties.

4. Domain registration duration.

5. Domain authority and trust.

8. Local SEO Factors:

1. NAP (Name, Address, Phone) consistency.

2. Google My Business profile optimization.

3. Local citations and directory listings.

4. Customer reviews and ratings.

5. Local keyword usage.

9. User Intent Factors:

1. Relevance of content to user queries.

2. Matching user search intent.

3. Long-tail keyword optimization.

4. Use of semantic keywords.

10. Security Factors:

1. Malware and security issues.

2. Safe browsing experience.

3. HTTPS usage and SSL certificates.

11. Page-Level Factors:

1. Page authority and relevance.

2. Page topic and keyword relevance.

3. Outbound links to trusted sites.

4. Multimedia usage for engagement.

12. Site-Level Factors:

1. Site architecture and hierarchy.

2. Clear site structure and navigation.

3. XML and HTML sitemap presence.

4. Regular site updates and content additions.

5. Quality of outbound links.

13. Brand Signals:

1. Brand mentions on authoritative sites.

2. Brand searches and popularity.

3. Social media presence and engagement.

14. Site Speed Factors:

1. Page loading speed on desktop.

2. Page loading speed on mobile.

3. Image optimization and compression.

4. Minification of CSS and JavaScript.

15. User Interaction Factors:

1. Comments and discussions on content.

2. Social media interactions and shares.

3. User-generated content (reviews, forums).

16. Mobile-Friendly Factors:

1. Mobile responsiveness and usability.

2. Mobile page load speed.

3. Mobile-friendly design and layout.

17. Secure Site Factors:

1. SSL certificate presence.

2. HTTPS usage.

3. Secure payment processing.

18. Structured Data Factors:

1. Use of schema markup.

2. Rich snippets in search results.

3. Structured data for reviews, events, etc.

19. Geographic Factors:

1. Local relevance of content.

2. Targeted location keywords.

3. NAP consistency for local businesses.

20. User Engagement Factors:

1. Average time on site.

2. Pages per session.

3. Scroll depth and interaction.

4. Low bounce rate.

Please note that the importance of these factors can vary depending on your website's niche, target audience, and the search engine you're optimizing for. It's also crucial to focus on providing a positive user experience and high-quality content, as these factors are consistently valuable for both users and search engines.